Sainik School Sambalpur Recruitment 2024

Sainik School Sambalpur Recruitment 2024 Principal Sainik School Sambalpur invites applications from eligible candidates for the following

Sainik School Sambalpur Recruitment 2024

Principal Sainik School Sambalpur invites applications from eligible candidates for the following vacancies on a contractual and temporary basis

Has recently released a recruitment notification for the following

jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Sainik School Sambalpur jobs 2024 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1.  TGT (Social Science) (Contractual basis) job 1 post
  2. TGT (Hindi) (Temporary  Basis) job 1 post
  3. Counsell or (contractual basis) job 1 post
  4. PEM/PTI – Cum Matron (Contractual basis) job 1 post

Sainik School Sambalpur Recruitment 2024 for PEM/PTI – Cum Matron (Contractual basis) job

Name of the postTGT (Social Science) (Contractual basis)
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 50,000/- per month
Upper age limit 21 and 35 years 
Educational Qualification

1. Four years integrated degree course of regional college of education of NCRTY in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate or bachelor degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject and in aggregate

2. Minimum two subjects out of history political science economics, sociology, and geography or science/geography as the main subject in all three years of graduation and four years of integrated degree course

3. B.Ed degree from a recognized university

4. Pass the central teacher eligibility test CTET or STET conducted  by central /state govt/CBSE under the guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose

5. Proficiency in teaching in English medium

Desirble qualification:

  1. Candidates Possessing a PG degree or any er    higher qualification will be given a preference
  2. Candidates with experience teaching in residential public schools and pro efficiency in games and we’ll in co-curricular  activities will be g given preference
  3. Candidates with knowledge of computer applications will be given preference 

TGT (Hindi) (Temporary  Basis) job

Name of the postTGT (Hindi) (Temporary  Basis) 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 50,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 21 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification

1. Four years integrated degree course of regional college of education of NCRTY in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate or bachelor degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject and in aggregate

2. Minimum two subjects out of history political science economics, sociology, and geography or science/geography as the main subject in all three years of graduation and four years of integrated degree course

3. B.Ed degree from a recognized university

4. Pass the central teacher eligibility test CTET or STET conducted  by central /state govt/CBSE under the guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose

5. Proficiency in teaching in English medium

Desirble qualification:

  1. Candidates Possessing a PG degree or any er    higher qualification will be given a preference
  2. Candidates with experience teaching in residential public schools and pro efficiency in games and we’ll in co-curricular  activities will be g given preference
  3. Candidates with knowledge of computer applications will be given preferred

Counsell or (contractual basis) job

Name of the post

Counsell or (contractual basis) 

Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 50,000/- per month
Upper age limit 21 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification

1. M.A/M.Sc Psychology from a recognized university plus a regular one-year graduate with a diploma in career guidance and counseling

2. M.A/M.Sc/M.Com with B.Ed/M.Ed qualification plus regular one-year post-graduate with a diploma in career guidance and counseling

3. B.A/B.Sc (Psychology) with a certificate of diploma in career guidance and counseling

Desirble qualification:

  1. Minimum one year experience in providing psychological and educational counseling to students at schools
  2. Canddi rates with knowledge of computer applications will be given preference
  3. Proficiency in Athletics/Sports and Games/Extra Curricular activities

PEM/PTI – Cum Matron (Contractual basis) job

Name of the postPEM/PTI – Cum Matron (Contractual basis) 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 50,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 21 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification

1. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) four years degree course

2. Three-year graduation one year B.P.Ed diploma


B.Sc Physical education health education and sports one year B.P.Ed diploma

Desirble qualification:

  1. Candidates with experience of working in any residential public school will be given preference
  2. Candidates with higher qualifications will be given a preference
  3. Achievements in NCC /Sports/Extracurricular activities/NISD Diploma in sports coaching etc.

Generla Instructions:

  1. This school is not a state or central government-run organization
  2. All the contractual vacancies tenure will be for one year only and all the temporary vacancies will be for 179 days only and will be governed as per the Sainik Schools Society rules and regulations as amended from time to time

Other conditions:

  1. Candidates appointed at Sainik School Sambalpur will be employees of Sainik Schools Society and Sainik Schools Society rules and regulations in vogue and as amended from time to time will be applicable
  2. Candidates are to mention their own valid email address and mobile no contact details clearly in the application form all correspondence with candidates by the school will be uploaded on the school website only
  3. Selection will be made based on individual performance in written test skills. practical test and interview where applicable shortlsited candidates meeting all eligibility criteria only will be called for written test the list of candidates for skill practical and interview will be declared subsequently based
  4. The candidates are to bring and produce their original education  and professional qualification certificates for document verification during the selection process itself whenever asked by the school administration the candidature of candidates not producing their original educational and professional qualification certificates for verification  during the selection process itself will be rejected without giving any justification
  5.  Eligible and interested candidates may apply in the prescribed application form which may be downloaded 

How to apply to Sainik School Sambalpur Recruitment

Application mode Intersted and eligible candidates can apply online mode only

The selection process for Sainik School Sambalpur jobs

Important dates for Sainik School Sambalpur Notification

online application starting date: 13 – January – 2024

online application ending date: 2 – February – 2024

Important links for Sainik School Sambalpur Vacancy

Application form,


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