Staff Nurse Jobs In Lucknow Cantonment Board 2022

Staff Nurse Jobs In Lucknow Cantonment Board 2022 Online applications are invited for direct recruitment to the following

Staff Nurse Jobs In Lucknow Cantonment Board 2022

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment to the following vacant post in the Lucknow cantonment board intersted candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria can apply online through the website the unknown cantonment board is an autonomous local body and the services of its employees are governed by the cantonment board

has recently released recruitment notifications for following

Staff nurse jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about staff nurse jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Horticulture Inspector job 1 post
  2. Sanitary Inspector job 1 post
  3. Pharmacist job 1 post
  4. Assistant Teachers job 1 post
  5. Junior Clerk job 1 post
  6. Midwife (female) job 1  post
  7. X-Ray Technician job 1 post

Staff Nurse Jobs In Lucknow Cantonment Board 2022 for Sanitary Inspector

Name of the postHorticulture Inspector 
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 4 per month
Upper age limit21 to 30 years
Educational QualificationB.Sc (Agriculture) /B.Sc (Biology) from any recognized institute /university

Sanitary Inspector job

Name of the postSanitary Inspector
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 6 per month
Upper age limit21 to 30 years
Educational Qualification

1. B.Sc (Chemistry/Agriculture/ Animal Husbandry) from any recognized institute/university

2. Diploma in sanitation and public hygiene from any recognized institute

Pharmacist job

Name of the postPharmacist
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month
Upper age limit21 to 33 years
Educational Qualification

1. intermediate (science) 

2. Diploma in pharmacy from any recognized institution/university or equivalent or degree in pharmacy 

3. Registration with the state pharmacy council or state medical faculty

4. 2 years experience in the territorial army 

Assistant Teachers job

Name of the postAssistant Teachers
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 6  per month
Upper age limit21 to 33 years
Educational Qualification

Bachelor’s degree in any stream with state TET /CTET primary level exam passed with one of the following eligibility details

  1. D.El.Ed. (BTC) Exam in any recognized institute or
  2. Shiksha Mitra with 2 year BTC course or
  3. D.Ed 2 years diploma or
  4. D.Ed (special education) diploma OR 
  5. 2 years special BTC or
  6. 2 years BTC Diploma in URDU or
  7. Bl. Ed exam passed or
  8. B.Ed Exam passed

Junior clerk job

Name of the postJunior clerk
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 3 per month
Upper age limit21 to 33 years
Educational Qualification

1. Intermediate

2. Typing Hindi 25 wpm or English 30 wpm certificates from any govt. or private institution

3. CCC (course of computer concepts) certificate from any recognized institute


Midwife (female) job

Name of the postMidwife (female)
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 3 per month
Upper age limit21 to 30 years
Educational Qualification

1. intermediate 

2. 1.5 years (18 months) 2 years course of ANM (Auxiliary nursing midwifery)

3. Certificates of the training program of 6 months of maternity

4. Registration with state medical faculty 

X-Ray Technician job

Name of the postX-Ray Technician
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month
Upper age limit21 to 30 years
Educational Qualification

1. intermediate (Science)

2. diploma in radiology from any recognized institute/university

3. Registration with state medical faculty

4. 2 years experience in territorial Army or NCC or certificate 

Selection mode: Selection for all above (Expert junior clerk) written test only for junior clerk after the written test there will qualifying hyping test of first 2 candidates from each OBC and SC category from the written test for the post of sanitary inspector selection candidates will submit a certificate from any govt. institute regarding basic knowledge of computers within 6 months from the date of joining

The selection of candidates for appointment to these posts will be made by multiple choice objectives typers the questions recrimination for all posts except 

General conditions:

  1. The service of the appointed candidate/person will be governed under the cantonment board employes service rules 2021 as amended  from time to time cantonment 
  2. The probation period appointment of selected candidates shall be provisional as per the cantonment board employees service rules 2021 as amended  from time to time the appointment will be provisional for a period of 2 years
  3. No conveyance TA/DA or any other allowance will  be paid for appearing for the written test
  4. Candidates serving in any recognized institution autonomous body or central/state government undertaking should apply through proper channels and should submit such documents at the time of verification of documents
  5. The above posts are on a permanent basis and the probation period will be as per the rule the CEO reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof 
  6. Application and fee payment received through offline mode will be summarily rejected and the candidates are advised to apply only online 
  7. The appointment authority shall draw a reserve panel /waiting list in addition to the number of candidates selected as per the notified vacancies in the reserves panel /the waiting list shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of the result and the vacancies arising due to acceptance of the offer of appointment candidates not joining the post after acceptance of appointment or the candidates not being found eligible for appointment after verification of documents /certificates or due to resignation fo selection candidates within one year  of joining the post shall be filled up from this reserve panel 
  8. The candidates should note that their admission to the examination will be purely provisional based on the information given by them in the application form this will be subject to verification of all the eligibility conditions by the competent authority
  9. if there is more than one candidate in the same category having equal marks in the merit list the candidate’s officer of Lucknow cantonment board
  10. The final selection of the candidate is subject to the medical fitness certificate to be issued by the medical officer of Lucknow cantonment board
  11. The cantonment board reserves the right not to fill up any of the posts advertised without assigning any reason

General Instruction for candidates:

  1. The appointing authority makes provisions selection of the candidates on the basis of information provided in the application and documents/certificates provided by the candidate at the time of scrutiny and subsequently 
  2. The service of the selected candidates on appointment will  be governed  by the provision of the cantonment board employees’ service
  3. The candidates should not have been convicted by any court of law also no disciplines/vigilance case should be contemplated/pending against the candidates already serving in govt. organization
  4. The vacancy advertised is provisional and likely to be permanent the appointing authority reserves the right to increase or decrease vacancies in case the vacancy position is reduced to any number the board is not liable to compensate  the applicant
  5. The appointing authority reserves the right to reject the candidature o an eligible candidate at any stage of the recruitment
  6. The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel a part of or the entire process of examination or part of it due to administrative reasons and in case of fair cheating or other irregularities 
  7. No Correspondence in regard to the appointment will be entertained
  8. No representation on any grounds for nonappearance for the written test by the candidates will be entertained and his/her candidature will not be considered in such an eventually
  9. TA/DA will not be admissible for attending tests as the case may be 
  10. The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel any more center of the exam and ask the candidates of that center to appear at another center no request for a change in date time and center of the exam will be accepted under any circumstance
  11. The candidature of the candidates to the written test is entirely provisional and the mere issue of admit card or appearance at examination does not entitle him /her t any claim for the post
  12. The candidate should scrupulously follow the instructions given by the center in charge invigilators and all examination functionalities at every stage of the exam if a candidate violates the instructions higher candidates will cancel
  13. The candidates are required to sign on the attendance sheet and OMR sheet in the presence of the invigilator and shall also sign on the same at the prescribed space
  14. The OMR sheet must be handed over to the invigilator after completion of the examination as mentioned therein 
  15. The OMR sheets will be collected by the invigilator immediately after expired of the prescribed time for examination and will be handed over to the center in change
  16. After the examination is over the candidates should hand over the OMR sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall any candidates who do not return the OMR sheet or if he/she is found attempting to take the OMR Sheet paper outside the examination  Has and any inappropriate
  17. The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel or modify the advertisement or part of it at any stage the number of vacancies is provisional land subject to change 
  18. Candidates are advised not to bring any of the above gadgets to the examination center as no arrangements for keeping any security of these items would be available at the centers
  19. All the applicants are required to be present well in advance time on the date and venue before the commencement of the written test any delay in presence will be marked as absent
  20. Graduation degree must be obtained from university-affiliated/granted by UGC

How to apply for Staff Nurse Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online  mode only

The selection process for Staff Nurse jobs

Important dates  for Staff Nurse Notification

online application starting date: 10 – November -2022

online application ending date: 31 – December -2022

Important links for Staff Nurse Vacancy

Application form,


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