TATA Trusts Academic Scholarships for Graduates and PG Nursing MD MS MCH DM Bachelor of Food Technology, BAMS, BHMS, BDS, B.PT, B Pharmacy,B Sc Nursing, B Sc Agriculture,MBBS,B. Tech, MDS, MPT, M Sc in Bio Technology, M Sc in Chemistry, M Sc in Micro Biology, M Sc Physics, M Sc in Mathematics, M Sc in Statistics, Masters of Homeopathy, M Sc Nursing, MA in Anthropology,M Pharmacy, MSc in Forensic Science,
TATA Trusts Invites online application from Nursing Students and Medical Students who are studying B Sc Nursing and MD, MS in All Branches and DM, M Ch all Branches at Under Graduate level and Post Graduate level in Institutes, Nursing Colleges, Medical Colleges
Get more about TATA Trusts – Academic Scholarships for Nursing MD MS MCH DM Scholarship Programme How to apply, Eligibility criteria, List of Courses eligible for scholarships, General Instructions and List of Document Need for Application and many more details given below,
TATA Trusts Academic Scholarships for Nursing MD MS MCH DM
Offering Organization; TATA Trust,
Starting Date of On line Application; 29-11-2017,
Ending Date of On line Application; 27-12-2017
Under Graduate Courses List for TATA Trusts Academic Scholarships
- Bachelor of Food Technology,
- BDS,
- B.PT,
- B Pharmacy,
- B Sc Nursing,
- B Sc Agriculture,
- B. Tech,
Post Graduate Courses List for TATA Trusts Academic Scholarships
- MDS,
- MPT,
- M Sc in Bio Technology,
- M Sc in Chemistry,
- M Sc in Micro Biology,
- M Sc Physics,
- M Sc in Mathematics,
- M Sc in Statistics,
- Masters of Homeopathy,
- M Sc Nursing,
- MA in Anthropology,
- M Pharmacy,
- MSc in Forensic Science,
Medical PG Courses List for TATA Academic Scholarships
- Anesthesiology
- Biochemistry,
- Community Medicine,
- Dermatology & Venerology,
- Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy,
- Forensic Medicine,
- General Medicine,
- Geriatrics,
- Health Administration,
- Microbiology,
- Nuclear Medicine,
- Obstetrics & Gynecology,
- Ophthalmology,
- Pediatrics,
- Pathology,
- Pharmacology,
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,
- Psychiatry,
- Radio Diagnosis,
- Radiotherapy,
- Social & Preventive Medicine,
- Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases,
- Venerology,
- Anatomy,
- ENT,
- General Surgery,
- Obstetrics & Gynecology,Ophthalmology,
- Orthopedics
Super Specaility Medical Post PG Courses List for TATA Academic Scholarships
- Cardiology,
- Endocrinology,
- Gastroenterology,
- Medical Oncology,
- Neonatology,
- Nephrology,
- Neurology,
- Clinical Hematology,
- Pulmonary Medicine,
- Neuro Radiology,
- Oncology,
- Infectious Diseases,
- Hepatology,
- Virology,
- Cardio Thoracic Surgery,
- Neuro Surgery,
- Burns & Plastic Surgery,
- Pediatric Surgery,
- Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery,
- Urology,
How to apply :
Mode of application; On line Application,
Starting Date of On line Application; 29-11-2017,
Ending Date of On line Application; 27-12-2017
For online Application Click Here
List of Document Needed for Application
- Attested Previous Year Academic Marks Sheets,
- Photostat Copy of Adhar Card,
- An original Cancelled Cheque and Photo Stat Copy of the First Page of the Bank Pass Book,
- An original College Authorization Letter,
Get more about TATA Trusts Academic Scholarships for Graduates and PG Courses Guidelines and General Instruction Download Here
I want to do m.sc.nursing so he can give me scholarship
Apply through link