TSPSC Group 4 Recruitment 2022

TSPSC Group 4 Recruitment 2022 It is to inform you that online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts

TSPSC Group 4 Recruitment 2022

It is to inform you that online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of Junior Assistant Junior Accountant, Junior Auditor, and Wardofficer in various departments of Group IV services for a total of 9,168 vacancies

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

TSPSC Group 4 jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about TSPSC Group 4 jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Agriculture and Co-Operation department job 44 posts
  2. Animal husbandry, Dairy Development, and Fisheries job 2 posts
  3. Backward classes welfare department job 307 posts
  4. Consumer Affairs Food and Civil Supplies Department job 72 posts
  5. Energy Department job 2 posts
  6. Environment forests, science, and technology department job 23 posts
  7. Finance Department job 255 posts
  8. General Administration Department job 5 posts
  9. Health, Medical, and Family Welfare department job 338 posts
  10. Higher education department job 742 posts
  11. Home Department job 133 posts
  12. Industries and command Area Development job 7 posts
  13. Irrigation and Command Area Development job 51 posts
  14. Labour Employment Training and Factories Department job 128 posts
  15. Minorities welfare department job 191 posts
  16. Panchayat Rak and Rural Development job 1245 posts
  17. Planning Department job 2 posts
  18. Revenue Department job 2077 posts
  19. Scheduled Castes job 474 posts
  20. Secondary Education department job 97 posts
  21. Transport Roads and buildings department job 20 posts
  22. Tribal Welfare department job 221 posts
  23. Municipal Administration and Urban Development job 221 posts
  24. Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens Department job 18 posts
  25. Youth Advancement, Tourism and Culture Department job 13 posts

TSPSC Group 4 Recruitment 2022 for Agriculture and Co-Operation department

Name of the postAgriculture and Co-Operation department 
Number of vacancies44 posts

Animal husbandry, Dairy Development, and Fisheries job

Name of the postAnimal husbandry, Dairy Development, and Fisheries 
Number of vacancies2 posts

Backward classes welfare department job

Name of the postBackward classes welfare department
Number of vacancies307 posts

Consumer Affairs Food and Civil Supplies Department job

Name of the postConsumer Affairs Food and Civil Supplies Department
Number of vacancies72 posts

Energy Department job

Name of the postEnergy Department
Number of vacancies2 posts

Environment forests, science, and technology department job

Name of the postEnvironment forests, science, and technology department
Number of vacancies23 posts

Finance Department job

Name of the postFinance Department
Number of vacancies255 posts

General Administration Department job

Name of the postGeneral Administration Department
Number of vacancies5 posts

Health, Medical, and Family Welfare department job

Name of the postHealth, Medical, and Family Welfare department
Number of vacancies338 posts

Higher education department job

Name of the postHigher education department
Number of vacancies742 posts

Home Department job

Name of the postHome Department
Number of vacancies133 posts

Industries and command Area Development job

Name of the postIndustries and Command Area Development
Number of vacancies7 posts

Irrigation and Command Area Development job

Name of the postIrrigation and Command Area Development
Number of vacancies51 posts

Labour Employment Training and Factories Department job

Name of the postLabour Employment Training and Factories Department
Number of vacancies128 posts

Minirities walfare department job

Name of the postMinirities walfare department
Number of vacancies191 posts

Municipal Administration and Urban Development job

Name of the postMunicipal Administration and Urban Development
Number of vacancies2701 posts

Panchayat Rak and Rural Development job

Name of the postPanchayat Rak and Rural Development
Number of vacancies1245 posts

Planning Department job

Name of the postPlanning Department
Number of vacancies2 posts

Revenue Department job

Name of the postRevenue Department
Number of vacancies2077 posts

Scheduled Castes job

Name of the postScheduled Castes
Number of vacancies474 posts

Secondary Education department job

Name of the postSecondary Education department
Number of vacancies97 posts

Transport Roads and buildings department job

Name of the postTransport Roads and buildings department
Number of vacancies20 posts

Tribal Welfare department job

Name of the postTribal Welfare department
Number of vacancies221 posts

Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens Department job

Name of the postWomen, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens Department
Number of vacancies18 posts

Youth Advancement, Tourism and Culture Department job

Name of the postYouth Advancement, Tourism and Culture Department
Number of vacancies13 posts

How to apply TSPSC Group 4 Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for TSPSC Group 4 jobs

Important dates for TSPSC Group 4 Notification

online application starting date: 23 – December – 2022

online application ending date: 12 – January – 2022

Important links for TSPSC Group 4 Vacancy

Application form,


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