Intramuscular injection procedures are used commonly in Hospitals and Clinics, we are providing the Latest Information about How to give IM Injection
Definition of Intramuscular Injection
Intramuscular Injection is a Technique used by Registered Nurse Practitioners, it is Introducing Medication into Muscles Tissues through Needles in Different sites,
Intramuscular Injections Sites,
- Ventro Gluteal Muscle,
- Dorso Gluteal Muscle,
- Deltoid muscles,
- Vastus laterials,
Purposes of Intramuscular Injection,
- To introduce drugs into the muscular tissue for quick absorption.
- When the clients are unable to take medicine orally.
- When oral medications are contraindicated.
- When Medication is available form of Injectable I,g. Vaccines,
Contra Indication for IM Injection
Intramuscular Injections Contra Indicated in the Following Clients with
- Shock,
- Edema,
- After Thrombolytic Therapy,
- During Mayo Cordial Infraction,
- Impaired Coagulation Mechanism,
Equipment Used for Injections Procedure
Trolley or Tray containing:
- Sterile container with Disposable syringes and Disposable needles in Different Sizes,(packages of sterile disposable syringes and needles).
- Bottle with distilled water or distilled water ampoules.
- Bottle with methylated spirit 70%.
- Cotton Swab,
- Gauze Piece,
- Surgical Gloves,
Drug Ordered
- Ampule file
- Kidney tray with a paper bag
- A bowl with a pad and clean water is on the lower shelf.
- Needle Crusher (or) container with 1% Hypo chlorate solution.
Intramuscular Injection Nursing Procedure
- Identify Client with UHID Number, Client Name Age, Gender, Diagnosis,
- Make the patient comfortable Position,
- Explain the procedure to the patient what you are going to do,
- Check for Physician orders e.g. Dosage, Root of Administration, Frequency of Dose,
- Collect the medicine cards and drugs from the designated place.
- Check for Expiry Date and Color and Any Packing Damage or Transport Damage,
- Arrange them in order of administration on the injection trolley.
- Bring the trolley or tray to the bedside.
- Keep the client in position.
- Hand Wash and dry hands.
- Pick up the cotton swab and wet it with spirit.
- Open the syringe container and pick up the syringe and fix the needle on the syringe.
- Close the syringe container.
- Fix the needle firmly onto the syringe and check for its patency.
- Wipe the top of the medicine vial with a spirit swab and leave it dry.
- Introduce the Draw needle into the medicine vial and draw the required amount of medicine into the syringes.
- Change the Needle,
- Take the syringe to the client, identify the client’s Name and Diagnosis,
- Locate the Intra Muscular Injection site Check for any Previous Needle Pricks or Skin Lesions,
- Clean the area with spirit swabs at least 1 inch in diameter using circular movements from center to peripheral,
- Stretch the skin and thrust the needle quickly at 90o to the site,
- Withdraw the plunger and make sure that the needle is not in the blood vessel before injecting.
- Inject medicine slowly, withdraw the syringe supporting the area with a cotton ball, and massage the area.
- Discard the cotton ball into the paper bag.
- Put the patient in a comfortable position.
- Record the exact time of medication administration on the patient’s ticket.
- Clean the syringe and needle and put them back in the container when all syringes are used up.
- If you are drawing the medicine from the vial inject an equal amount of air into the vial before drawing the medication.
- When drawing the medicine from the ampule see that the bevel of the needle should be completely immersed in the medication.
- If the drug is in the ampule break the ampule and keep ready before picking up of syringe.
- If the client is emaciated, hold the muscles together to prevent damage to the underlying bones.
- Check the medicine three times before administration.
Nursing Alert;
No more than 5ml of Medication should be Injected into a single site for an Adult Client well- developed
If you Must inject more than 5ml of Medication,
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