Staff Nurse Vacancy In Asifbad 2022

Staff Nurse Vacancy In Asifbad 2022 Applications are invited from eligible  candidates to recruit the certain posts on a contract/out-sourcing

Staff Nurse Vacancy In Asifbad 2022

Applications are invited from eligible  candidates to recruit the certain posts on a contract/out-sourcing basis in Kumuram Bheem Asifabad District National Health Mission format of the application may be available on the website of the Asifabad district Filled it may be submitted in person or by registering post to this office along with all Xerox copies of certificates with self-attested the receiving applications commence 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

Staff Nurse jobs and other  vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Staff Nurse jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Pediatrician job 1 post
  2. Medical Officer MBBS Job 1 post
  3. Physiotherapist job 2 posts
  4. Audiologist and Speech Therapist job 1 post
  5. Psychologist job 1 post
  6. Optometrist job 1 post
  7. Early Interventionist Cum Special Educator job 1 post
  8. Social Worker job 1 post
  9. Dental Technician job 1 post
  10. DBC Manager job 1 post
  11. Staff Nurse job 1 post
  12. Lab Technician job 1 post
  13. Medical Officer Ayush (Male) job 1 post
  14. Medical Officer Ayush (Female) job 1 post
  15. Pharmacist job 1 post

Staff Nurse Vacancy In Asifbad 2022 for Pediatrician

Name of the postPediatrician 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 1,00,000/- per month
Upper age limit  
Educational Qualification
  1. MBBS 
  2. MD (Pediatrician) if not available then DCH 
  3. Registered with any state medical council under the medical council of India Act


Medical Officer MBBS job

Name of the postMedical Officer MBBS
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 52,000/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational QualificationMBBS Degree or an equivalent qualification as entered in the schedule to the India medical council Act. 1956 as subsequently amended registered with the TS Medical council

Physiotherapist job

Name of the postPhysiotherapist
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 26,000/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy from any recognized university in India and registered with TS Para medical board 

Audiologist and Speech Therapist job

Name of the postAudiologist and Speech Therapist
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs.28,600/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s degree in speech and language pathology from any recognized university in India and registered with the TS para medical board 

Psychologist job

Name of the postPsychologist
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 26,000/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years 
Educational QualificationMaster’s degree in Child Psychology from a recognized university in India

Optometrist job

Name of the postOptometrist
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 26,000/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s degree in Optometry or master’s degree in optometry from any recognized university and registered with TS Para medical board 

Early Interventionist Cum Special Educator job

Name of the postEarly Interventionist Cum Special Educator
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 20,500/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational Qualification

1. M.Sc in disability studies (Early Intervention) with a degree in physiotherapy (BPT) /Occupational therapy(BOT) / Speech-language pathologist (ASLP) /MBBS/BAMS/BHMS


Postgraduate diploma in early intervention (PGDE) with a basic degree in physiotherapy (BPT) /Occupational therapy (BOT) / Speech-language pathologist (ASLP) /MBBS


B.Ed special educational/Bachelor in Rehabilitation science/bachelor in mental Retradation (for the qualification mentioned 

Social Worker job

Name of the postSocial Worker
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 19,500/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational QualificationMasters of social work/social science or MA (Sociology) from a recognized university 

Dental Technician job

Name of the postDental Technician
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 20,500/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational Qualification
  1. SSC
  2. Diploma in dental technician 

DBC Manager job

Name of the postDBC Manager
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 39,000/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational Qualification

1. Masters in disability rehabilitation administration (MDRA) approved by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) basis qualification in BPT (Bachekris in Occupational Therapy) BPO (Bachelors in prosthetic and orthotics) BSC Nursing and other RCI-recognized degrees


A postgraduate degree/Diploma in hospital/health management/ MPH from a recognized/reputed institution with 1-year relevant experience for diploma holders


An MBA degree from a recognized institution with 2 years of experience in a hospital/health program 

Staff Nurse job

Name of the postStaff Nurse job
Number of vacancies 13 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 29,900/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational Qualification
  1. GNM or B.Sc (Nursing) 
  2. Registered with TS Nursing Council

Lab Technician job

Name of the postLab Technician
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 27,300/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational Qualification
  1. Intermediate 
  2. DMLT or B.Sc (LI) from recognized institutions
  3. Must be registered with the paramedical board 

Medical Officer Ayush (Male) job

Name of the postMedical Officer Ayush (Male)
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 45,500/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational Qualification

Ayurveda must possess a degree in Ayurveda awaeded by a uniersity in india established or incorproated by or under a central act or povincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any statutory board of the state goernment after havin undergone a regualr coruse of institutional study in resectuve ststems both in theroy and prcatice for a period not less than foyr and half years recognized by a universry or state government with one year compulsory internship UNANI must possess a degree in unani awaraded by a univrsrty in india established or incorporated by or nder a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any statorty board of the state government aftert having undergonea regualr course of institutional study in respective systems in theory and practice for a period not less than four and half years HOMEOPATHY must possess a degree in h oemopathy awarded by a universrty in india established or incorporated  by or under a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any statutory board of the state government after havin undergone a regualr course of institutional study in respective systems both in theory and practice fot a period not less than four and  half yeas recgnonixed by a universrty or states government with one years compulsoy internship

Medical Officer Ayush (Female) job

Name of the postMedical Officer Ayush (Female)
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 45,500/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years
Educational QualificationAyurveda must possess a degree in Ayurveda awaeded by a uniersity in india established or incorproated by or under a central act or povincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any statutory board of the state goernment after havin undergone a regualr coruse of institutional study in resectuve ststems both in theroy and prcatice for a period not less than foyr and half years recognized by a universry or state government with one year compulsory internship UNANI must possess a degree in unani awaraded by a univrsrty in india established or incorporated by or nder a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any statorty board of the state government aftert having undergonea regualr course of institutional study in respective systems in theory and practice for a period not less than four and half years HOMEOPATHY must possess a degree in h oemopathy awarded by a universrty in india established or incorporated  by or under a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any statutory board of the state government after havin undergone a regualr course of institutional study in respective systems both in theory and practice fot a period not less than four and  half yeas recgnonixed by a universrty or states government with one years compulsoy internship

Pharmacist job

Name of the postPharmacist
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 27,300/- per month
Upper age limit 44 years 
Educational Qualification

1. SSC

2. Diploma in Pharmacy 

3. Register with the Pharmacy council

Selection mode:

Selection shall be made based on the following criteria

For eligible applicants recruitment will be made by awarding 90% of marks for marks obtained in the qualifying examination and 10% marks of age weightage for age will be reckoned from 18  years of age of the candidates 

The selection list will  be prepared from the finalized merit list duly following the rules of reservation (Roster matrix) and presidential order the authority is having the power to cancel/modify the notification at any time if the ROR candidates are not available as per norms it will be filled by the next ROR Point

General Conditions:

  1. Candidates must be Indian National
  2. The candidates shall be selected as per NHM norms through the district selection committee (DSC)
  3. Appointment of candidates will  be subject to entry into a written undertaking to be stationed/positioned in the identified facilities

How to apply for Staff Nurse Recruitment

Application mode: Interested  candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Staff  Nurse jobs

Important dates for Staff Nurse  Notification

online application starting date: 26 – November  – 2022

online application ending date: 3 – December – 2022

Important links for Staff Nurse Vacancy

Application form,


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