Teacher Jobs In Nizamabad 2023

Teacher Jobs In Nizamabad 2023 Walk-in interview for preparing a panel of contractual staff for the session 

Teacher Jobs In Nizamabad 2023

Walk-in-interview for preparing a panel of contractual staff for the session 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

Teacher jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Teachers jobs 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Trained Graduate teacher’s job
  2. Primary Teachers job
  3. PRT (Music) job
  4. Sports Coach job
  5. Computer Instructor job
  6. Special Educator job

Teacher Jobs In Nizamabad 2023 for Trained Graduate Teachers 

Name of the postTrained Graduate Teachers 
Educational Qualification 1. Four years integrated degree course of the regional institute of education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate
Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject/ combination of subjects and in aggregate the elective subjects as under 
Desirable qualification:
Knowelege of compuiter applications

Primary Teachers job

Name of the postPrimary Teachers 
Educational Qualification Senior Secondary or its equivalent with at least 50%  marks and  2 years diploma in elementary education 
Senior secondary with at least 50% marks and 4 years of a bachelor of elementary education
Senior secondary with at least 50% marks and 2 years of a bachelor of elementary education
Graduation with at least 50% marks and a bachelor of education

  1. Pass in the central teacher’s eligibility rest 
  2. Proficiency to teach through Hindi and English media

Desirable qualification:
Knowledge of computer application

PRT (Music) job

Name of the postPRT (Music) 
Educational Qualification Senior secondary school certificate with 50% marks or intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent
Bachelor’s degree in Music or equivalent from a recognized university
2. Competence to teach through English and Hindi  media
Desirable qualification:
Knowledge of computer application

Sports Coach job

 Sports Coach 
  Diploma /Degree.Graduation in the concerned field and specialization if any represented at any state /National level
Proficiency in Hind and English and knowledge of ICT/Computers

Computer Instructor job

Name of the postComputer Instructor 
Educational Qualification B.E/B.Tech compuiter science /BCA/MCA/M.Sc Computer science/ M.Sc (Electronics with computer science component / M.Sc /B.Sc Computer Sciences
Bachelor’s master’s degree in a science subject/mathematics from a recognized university with a post-graduate diploma in computer applications from government recognized university institute
Postgraduate degree in any subject from a recognized university with a post-graduate diploma in computer applications from government recognized university 
Postgraduate degree in any subject with minimum 

Special Educator job

Name of the postSpecial Educator 
Educational Qualification 1. XII passed  and two years of special education in any of the categories of disability
XII passed ad one-year diploma in special education in any of the category disability
Diploma in community-based rehabilitation within months certificate course in the education of children with special needs
Postgraduate diploma in community-based rehabilitation with six months of certificate courses in the education of children with special needs

Other Instructions:

  1. Interviews are conducted for preparing the panel of contractual staff and to appoint on a purely contractual basis and need basis
  2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending an interview or for joining if appointed on a contractual basis
  3. The employee is appointed on a contractual basis will cease to be the employee and the contract stands automatically terminated
  4. Coaches instructor’s services are on a need basis hence as per the need they will be appointed and not for an entire session 
  5. Remuneration will be paid as per the KBS rules and regulations for contractual staff
  6. Services of contractual teachers will be evaluated on a regular basis and services will be terminated if the performance is not up to the desired mark
  7. A Cibtractualk teacher if appointed and later wants to discontinue for any reason at least one month’s notice must be given for allowing the management to make further alternative arrangements
  8. Before the end of the contract or before quitting with one month’s notice the contractual teachers must produce no dues certificates failing which the sales due will be withheld
  9. They should follow the code of conduct for teachers
  10. Private tuition will not be allowed
  11. In case of vacancy the panel will be operated if candidates refuse/do not join in he/she will not be considered further hence it is made 
  12. The contractual teacher if appointed should immediately join no extension long leave 
  13.  Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria before applying to attend an interview even if interviewed and found eligible at a later stage will not be placed on the panel
  14. Canvassing in any form leads to the disqualification of candidature
  15. Contractual staff will not be paid for vacations

How to apply for Teachers Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Teachers’ jobs

Important dates for Teachers’ Notification

online application ending date: 18 – March -2023 

Important links for Teachers’ Vacancy

Application form,

Teacher Jobs In Nizamabad 2023 Notification,

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